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Tuesday, 28 December 2010


The most difficult thing for most of us to do is to wait! We hate to have to stand still, be unmovable and be patient. Waiting on others is a most distressing experience, so many of us force ahead and end up with some rather negative results. If waiting on others is so frustrating, can you imagine what it feels like to wait on God?
The bible is filled with many stories of characters that received a promise from the Lord and had to wait 5, 10, 15 sometimes even 3o years before he fulfilled what he had declared about them. Yes, it can be difficult but it’s important to understand that his ways are not our ways and his thoughts are higher than our thoughts. Yes, God knows exactly what he is doing and he is capable of doing what he has promised all by himself.
I too have been waiting on God for the fulfilment a particular promise. A promise that will change my life for good! A promise that I feel I don’t deserve and one that, at first, I thought it would be impossible for me to accomplish. But while I am waiting I have learnt that it is in fact impossible for me to accomplish because when God gives you a promise for your life only he can bring it to pass.
He doesn’t need our help, nor does he need our opinion of when would be the best time for the promise to be fulfilled. Whenever, we attempt to help God fulfil a promise for our lives, it usually results in heart ache and disappointment. Sarah in the bible got a Ishmael because she could not wait on God and had to deal with the consequences of her decision to let her servant sleep with her husband in order for them to have a child. Bad idea Sarah!!
Regardless of how tight it gets never attempt to help God fulfil the promise he has given you for your life. Believe me I have learnt the hard way because I refused to be settled and rest in the knowledge that God in fact knows exactly what he is doing and my knowledge is limited and I am unable to comprehend, much less interpret the will of God. So while others are preplexed and confused, I will wait on God.  While others are looking on and silently celebrating the unfulfillment of God’s promise for my life. I will wait!
I will not wait and worry, I will not wait and push to find a solution for myself, I will not wait and be confused and stressed. I will wait patiently for the Lord as the psalmist declares in Psalm 27 verse  14 ” Wait for the Lord, be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord!” This is what I have resigned myself to do. I will wait on God because He is not a man to lie and His promises are yeah and Amen. Today if you are waiting on God for a husband, wife, a job, children, and better home, whatever it is, be patient and wait on God because he will never break his word!
While I wait I will read books and take my mind from what I am waiting on because I cannot force God to fulfil the promise before its time! I will relax, I refuse to be anxious and worried. God is not a man! Nothing is impossible for God and God always keeps his word! God always fulfils his promises; I will rest in his word and wait on his promise for my life because I know it will come to pass!!

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