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Monday, 25 October 2010

Your Communication Skills Determine What You Achieve in Life.

You see, every communication is an attempt to persuade someone else to do or avoid doing something, either now or in the future. You either ask outright or you imply your message in various ways. How effective you are at both the overt and covert ways of communication determines how successful you will be in any area of life.
The hardest part of communication is learning to use language in the first place. But you already did that as a child. When it comes to refining your already remarkable gift for communication — that's just icing on the cake.
Of course, it's the icing that makes the difference. Just as champion sprinters are only a few hundredths of a second faster than the rest of the pack, so the great communicators are men and women who've mastered just a few techniques unknown to the rest of us.
This is the secret highly successful people have always known. From boardroom tycoons to those "life of the party" people, getting what you want is always about using words to get other people to open up to you — to want to help you.
And that's a lot easier than it may sound. Because the fact is, people are programmed to help you. . . as soon as you talk to them in the right way.

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