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Sunday, 17 October 2010

Personal Initiative and Self-motivation

Personal initiative is the inner power that starts all action. It is the
power that inspires the completion of that which one begins. It is the
dynamo that starts the faculty of the imagination into action.

It is, in fact, Self-motivation.

Motivation is that which induces action or determines choice. It is that
which provides a motive. A motive is that inner urge only within the
individual which incites you to action, such as an idea, an emotion, a
desire, or an impulse. It is a hope or other force which starts in an
attempt to produce specific results.

When you know principles that can motivate you, you will then know
principles that can motivate others.

Hope is the magic ingredient in motivation, but the secret of accomplishment
is getting into action.

Use and develop your self-starter. Do it now!

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